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Drawing is Shapes!

When you are first trying to draw realistically, your brain will try to tell you what to draw based on all that it remembers from that object. This is how we get simplified objects on paper, even when we are drawing them directly.


The trick is to give your brain something to see that it can actually understand. Let your eye and your hand work together to create your realistic drawing, while your brain thinks you are only drawing circles, triangles, rectangles, lines and squares!!!


How to do that? Check out the video below of a drawing I did on Procreate.

Let's give this a shot! You have a few minutes now to try and draw the structure of your clown's face.


KEEP IT VERY LIGHT!!! Hold the pencil with your hand far away from the led, like you are petting a bird.


After the structure is done, we can try to clean it up by looking at the original photo, and even work on some shading. Let's gooooo!!!


The Arts Studio © Copyright 2019-2022 by Mrs. J., a teacher at Ecole Glenbrook Middle School, New Westminster
No rights reserved for ideas and materials. Use it in your classroom, make copies, enjoy!

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