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Book Transformation

There are many ways to transform a book! One of them is by creating a book poetry, which usually uses only one page of a book and transforms it into something visually beautiful, with a different meaning than the original.


Book poetry is an art form that can be created by using any type of drawing material you may have at home, including felts, coloured pencils, pens and even watercolour, to modify one or more pages of an old book. In this project, you simply find an old book and repurpose it, trying to find the poetry hidden behind.

To the right, for instance, a page of the book "Paul and Virginia" was transformed to read "The night overtakes us in an eager desire; we soon lost sight of the Sun." Look at the splashes of red that add so much to the poetry!


There’s no wrong way to do this! You can circle the words, paint or draw around them, however you’d like to do it, in a way that those words stand out in the order you desire. You can turn the page into a design or draw or paint an image around the words.

Don’t have an old book? Use a page from a magazine! Or cut and paste words from a magazine to create your own poem and use any separate background for it!


You can also use the whole book and transform it into something amazing. Check out these book sculptures by James Allen!

In the Art Studio, we have a wide selection of books for you to destroy -- I mean, ahem, creatively modify! (Destruction, creation, tomato, tomahto)


Let Mrs. J know if you are interested in taking one out for a ride!


The Arts Studio © Copyright 2019-2022 by Mrs. J., a teacher at Ecole Glenbrook Middle School, New Westminster
No rights reserved for ideas and materials. Use it in your classroom, make copies, enjoy!

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