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Throughout the centuries, art has helped change the shape of the world.


Let's look at what activism is and how kids are already making a difference:

Let's look at what activism is and how kids are already making a difference:

Now, let's see some examples of art activism, or artivism:

Building a better world is a big task, and there are many different aspects that may speak to you personally. No matter the cause you choose, you can start making a difference!

Here are some causes for you to consider:

  • Climate change -- While everyone has been worried about our health and staying home, silently and sneakily, the United States has pushed back several regulations that had been put in place to protect the environment. While some people say that the skies have never been cleaner, this could be the calm before the storm, as the reduction of environmental protections could hurt the Earth more severely in the long-term. Bringing awareness to this issue right now could be very relevant. How could you design a poster or piece of art to remind people that there is a bigger picture beyond what we are currently experiencing?

  • Prejudice in general -- against a particular gender identity, a race, a colour, a religion -- is still very much evident in the world today. Watch this video to see a teen's journey into activism, and this video to see 25 kids over 5 years and how they grow and thrive.

  • Food and water security -- Hunger and thirst, as well as inequality of access to resources, is a continuous issue. This will only become more apparent as the world human population grows and climate change causes areas to not be able to produce food. How can you create a piece of art that transforms views and highlights this issue?

  • Lack of education around the world -- In order for people to understand and know their rights, education is crucial. But currently, millions of children around the world don't have access to it. How can you represent these children through your art?

Other possible topics could be: Corruption around the world; religious conflicts; ocean pollution and the deaths of marine mammals; the sixth mass extinction; and many more. In fact, the current numbing regarding issues could in itself be an issue. If we are surrounded by negative news, then we become desensitized to the big issues in the world. How could this robotic response be also damaging to the world around us?

Ready to create some posters and fight the good fight?


Then log into Canva and get started!


Canva is a super easy, intuitive place to create all sorts of graphics. Everything can be customized, and you can add photos and graphis as you wish!


Get creative and make some posters, and we will spread them into town!

Canva login:  



Password: MonkeyDo123!


The Arts Studio © Copyright 2019-2022 by Mrs. J., a teacher at Ecole Glenbrook Middle School, New Westminster
No rights reserved for ideas and materials. Use it in your classroom, make copies, enjoy!

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