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Artist Statement

An artist statement is often displayed near an artist's work of art, particularly when the work is part of a show. Let's work on an artist statement so that we can display it near our art!

1. Describe your work

What is the title of your work? What does your artwork look like? What is the subject matter? What are the elements of art most obvious in your work?

2. How did you create your art?

What media did you use to create your artwork? What tools, techniques or processes did you use to create it?

3. What is the big idea behind your artwork?

What inspired you to create this piece of art? Does your work express a personal or social issue? What emotions did you try to show on your artwork?

What did you learn from your artwork? Is your final piece the way you imagined? How will it influence your future works? 

4. What are your final thoughts?

"The flight of the bumblebees," by Mrs. Jurgensen.
Pencil on paper, 10"X10".

My shaded drawing, "The flight of the bumblebees", is a square rendition of the current extinction that bees are going through. It shows a sea of dead bees and a few bumblebees falling from the sky. I focused on value and form for this piece, and did not add any colour to emphasize the sadness of the current bee situation. I used pencil on paper to create it. I learned a lot about shading on this project and how to make things more realistic, and will be using the cross-hatching technique on my future works.

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The Arts Studio © Copyright 2019-2022 by Mrs. J., a teacher at Ecole Glenbrook Middle School, New Westminster
No rights reserved for ideas and materials. Use it in your classroom, make copies, enjoy!

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